Banking Intelligence Consulting offers a physical security training program designed to provide baseline knowledge of physical security systems and procedures as required by the international standards ISO 27001. The physical security assessment process is the common thread used in teaching this program. The PSTP includes conceptual security considerations, vulnerabilities assessments, and familiarization with hardware and procedures. Based on the ISO 27001 standard, physical security training is a must for the awareness of the team. Students will participate in various physical security assessments, draft a written report, and participate in various student-centred learning activities. Students will also observe a live explosive demonstration and learn how to perform First Aid. Students are required to pass a comprehensive written exam with a minimum score of 50%. Students must also pass an individual practical exercise at the end of the program with a minimum score of 20%. The duration of the training is 50 hours and at the end of the program the students must obtain at least 70% as a total score to gain the certificate.